Seed Funding Project (TCD)

TCD Worker (Seed) Funding

Note: this Seed Funding Project is funded via our Comunity Transformation Trust (via money from our Barcodes businesses).

New GHNI Project (2023-ongoing)

It often takes more than one year of assessment before a new community can be approved for a full Transformational Community Development (TCD) project, and it is difficult to recruit staff to do assessments of potential new communities without funding available.

To address this issue, CT Trust has provided funds to GHNI to hire a TCD Worker whose job is to conduct TCD assessments in potential communities. When a new community has been assessed by that TCD Worker and has been adopted into a TCD project, then the TCD Worker (Seed) Funding would go towards supporting another TCD Worker in another key area. The goal is to generate additional TCD villages in key areas.

The following regions are potential key areas for the new TCD Worker (Seed) Funding to be used:

Southeast Asia: Start near Salatigga (Indonesia) with intentions to develop a model
village/intern program to catalyze additional TCD programs within Indonesia. Three trained
workers (two self-supported) are already located in the area. Plenty of opportunity.
South Asia: Hire a TCD worker for Bihar state of India who will focus in Bihar and Lower part of
Nepal to promote TCD among Santal community. Recently we had a vision seminar. Delegates
from 10 different potential partnering organizations joined. They all are very excited about TCD.
Central Asia: Initially the tentative plans are to add an additional worker in Kyrgyzstan. A
successful vision seminar was held in Sept 2022.
Middle East & North Africa: Start in Lebanon. Currently engaged with multiple partners on
the ground; Medhat will visit in Q4 2022 to choose a partner to begin TCD implementation.
Africa: Nuba mountains is an area devastated by war and famine under the republic of Sudan.
TCD allowance for one or two workers will spring off massive activities in the area plus the seed
projects already sown. Travel costs in the region are expensive but it is better to start than to
East Asia: Start in Mongolia. GHNI Staff held a Vision Seminar in Q4 2022. Planning full
ToTCD IN training for Q2 2023 with follow-up in Q4 2023. Multiple partnerships possible; expect
to select primary TCD partners following Q2 2023 ToTCD I Training.

Regions will be reviewed bi-annually. If a region is not utilizing funds and does not foresee an
immediate (within six months) need – funds will be made available to a different region pending
GLT approval.

Key Performance Objectives/Impact Indices:
-One TCD Worker [Seed] Fund per region (Africa, North Africa & ME, Central Asia, South Asia,
Southeast Asia, East Asia).
-Four new TCD villages per region (24 total) at the end of five years (2027) as a direct result.
-Full Village-level Adoption (funding) of the 24 TCD villages that pass the assessment phase as
needed (~six every 15 months).

SWOT Analysis:

? Ability and confidence to explore new areas
? Creative Funding
? Low Risk – High potential return
? Lowers bar for entry – both for donors and village work
? Provide consistent employment opportunities for valuable workers

? People (TCD Workers) do it only because they are looking for a job
? A village could go unadopted (lower priority for funding, etc.)
? RFL would be satisfied with reduced funding and not seek full funding
? Funds be used for the same staff for all 5 years and no multiplication happens
? Inability for find donors/partners to fund new TCD villages
? Increased pressure on already overworked staff to keep up with ambitious expansion
? Loss of quality of TCD being done, due to over expansion or underfunding
? The reporting/funding mechanism (report sent every 6 months) doesn’t exist on an org
wide basis and increases responsibilities on the RFL

? Expose other investors to this funding paradigm
? Capitalize on global awareness of the value of Holistic Ministry

? Economic changes could increase the difficulty of raising Village Adoption funds
? Working in obscure regions, like Central Asia & Mongolia, that are difficult and expensive
to travel to and attract new donors
? Lack of capacity to bring on 5 new villages in 5 years in some regions
? Exposes the need for more RFLs and ARFLs